Acceptera is the groundbreaking Swedish manifesto by architects Gunnar Asplund, Wolter Gahn, Sven Markelius, Gregor Paulsson, Eskil Sundahl and Uno Åhren. The manifesto calls for a new modern way of living and Functionalism. The original publication was by Tiden in 1931; this issue is a facsimile publication from 1980.
den föreliggande verkligheten – endas därigenom har vi utsikt att behärska den, att rå på den för att förändra den och skapa kultur som är ett smidigt redskap för livet.
– Gunnar Asplund, Wolter Gahn, Sven Markelius, Gregor Paulsson, Eskil Sundahl & Uno Åhren, Acceptera (Tiden, 1931; facsimile 1980), p. 198
The text is in Swedish. The rich illustration consists of photographs, architectural drawings, and other visual material.
The copy in our stock is in good condition. The pages are clean without any markings. The glueing of the binding is fine. There is some age-related yellowing on the edges of the pages and some signs of shelf wear on the covers. There is an earlier price sticker on the back cover.