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Datutop 30 Remix

Datutop 30 Remix (Tampere University of Technology, School of Architecture, 2008) contains a selection of scholarly essays that has been published in the Datutop series during its first 10 years of existence.


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Datutop 30 Remix contains a selection of research articles and scholarly essays that has been published in the Datutop series during its first 10 years of existence. The series editors are Jorma Mänty and Kari Jormakka; this particular issue is edited by Minna Chudoba and Gareth Griffiths. The Datutop Journal of Architectural Theory has been published by the Tampere University of Technology, School of Architecture (currently Tampere Universities, Department of Architecture) since 1982.

The authors in this issue are Paul Kriesis, Harri Andersson, Taina Rajanti, Jukka Oksa, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Kaj Nyman and Jorma Mänty.

This present “remix” issue is a collection of texts (…) prompted by the question of whether or not the contributors would still stand behind their words, and tell about their present thoughts on the themes they had addressed. The texts generally fall into two categories. Firstly there is the overall framework within which architecture operates in practice, i.e. society and its organs with their fields of interest. And secondly, there is the issue of architecture also operating with words and concepts, and not only images of the existing and possible environmental reality. Theses two general traits are evident in each of the texts included here.
– Jorma Mänty, Editorial preface. In: Datutop 30 Remix, p. 5,

See also other Datutop issues available in our shop.

Our copy in stock is in very good condition. There is only some slight shelf wear on the covers.

Weight 232 g
Dimensions 21,0 × 15,0 × 0,7 cm

Gareth Griffiths, Jorma Mänty, Minna Chudoba, Kari Jormakka


Tampere University of Technology

Publishing year




b&w photos, diagrams




Number of pages




