The Ten Books of Architecture (De re aedificatoria) by Leon Battista Alberti is an absolute classic of architectural theory. Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) was a paragon of the Renessaince man: an architect, scholar, mathematician, diplomat, speech-writer and so much more. Alberti’s best know architectural application of his theory is the facade for the church of Sta. Maria Novella in Florence.
The treatise was first published posthumously in Florence in 1485, and the first English translation was published in London in 1726. Our copy is the 1755 Leoni Edition with engravings by Bernard Picard. This soft-cover Dover Publication is a facsimile republication.
The copy in stock is in good condition. The soft covers show some shelf wear, but the pages are without any markings. The previous owner has cut their owner’s markings from the front flyleaf.