Questioni di Architettura (Einaudi, 1986) by Vittorio Gregotti (1927–2020) contains the editorials that he wrote for the Italian Casabella architecture journal between March 1982 and September 1986.
Pagina dopo pagina, nell’ attenzione costante per i piú svariati stimoli provenienti dal dibattito culturale, si vengono cosí delineando progressivamente i caratteri specifici e ineliminabili del progetto architettonico, le ragioni profonde cui esso è chiamato a dar risposta. E il riapparire ricorrente di una serie di temi, quali il rapporto con il luogo, la nozione di modificazione oi quella di verità specifica, ne manifesta la natura di fondamenta su cui poggiano i materiali che costituiscono l’architettura; un’architettura in cui riflessione critica e pratic progettuale sono inscindibilmente legate tra loro.
Page after page, in the constant attention to the most varied stimuli coming from the cultural debate, the specific and ineliminable characteristics of the architectural project are gradually delineated, the profound reasons to which it is called to respond. And the recurring reappearance of a series of themes, such as the relationship with the place, the notion of modification or that of specific truth, manifests its nature as foundations on which the materials that make up the architecture rest; an architecture in which critical reflection and design practice are inextricably linked.
– Vittorio Gregotti, Questioni di Architettura (Einaudi, 1986). Excerpt from the blurb; translation into English with Google Translate
For more information about Vittorio Gregotti, please visit the Triennale di Milano article.
The book has Italian text; there are no illustrations.
The copy in our stock is in good condition. The pages are clean without any markings and the glueing of the binding is fine. There is some age-related yellowing on the edges of the pages, and the covers show some shelf wear and signs of use. The reddish colour of the spine is faded.