Architecture Tomorrow by Francis Rambert is a forward-looking account of 21st-century architecture, urbanity, and public spaces. The book is a survey of city living and architectural, social and cultural experimentation written from a critical, societal viewpoint. The author, Francis Rambert (b. 1954) is an architecture critic and director of the Institut Français d’Architecture at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine.
Architecture Tomorrow consists of 4 chapters that study the changing role of architecture. Chapter One – A Turning Point – discusses the effects of globalization and the convergence of architecture and art. Chapter Two – Between Image and Icon – analyses the cult of building and the sculpture trend in more detail. Chapter Three – Mutation and Experimentation – explains the computer revolution and the influence of parametric design and morphing on spatial concepts. Chapter Four – Town Planning – questions the fundamentals of the future city and urbanism. The book is constructed around a rich variety of concrete examples of recent architecture, and it has been lavishly illustrated with high-quality colour photographs and architectural renderings. The combination of untheoretical text and the rich illustration of groundbreaking new buildings and projects makes this title an excellent companion to understand and appreciate the endeavours of contemporary architecture.
The copy in stock is in very good condition. The covers show some visible shelf wear, but the pages are clean and tidy.