Arkitektur i Sverige – Architecture in Sweden 1973–83

Arkitektur i Sverige – Architecture in Sweden 1973–83 (ed. Olof Hultin, Arkitektur Förlag Ab, 1983) presents 132 buildings from all over Sweden.


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Arkitektur i Sverige – Architecture in Sweden 1973–83 (ed. Olof Hultin, Arkitektur Förlag Ab, 1983) presents 132 buildings from all over Sweden.

Arkitektur i Sverige 1973–83 är en vägvisare till den nya svenska arkitekturen. 132 byggnader som färdigställts under de senaste tio åren presenteras med fotografier, ritningar och texter. Urvalet omfattar det bästa som byggts, men också det som är intressant av andra orsaker; här finns det tidstypiska såväl som det udda, och det som verkat provocerande i tidens debatt. Med kartor och utförliga register blir boken en ovärderlig hjälp för var och en som vill skaffa sig en bild av den svenska arkitekturens utveckling under senare år.

Architecture in Sweden 1973–83 is a guide to new Swedish architecture. 132 buildings completed during the last decade are shown with photographs, drawings and descriptive passages. The selection includes the very best of the building undertaken during the period, as well as buildings which have been instrumental in bringing about the current discussion. With its exhaustive subject index the book is excellent reading for those seeking an overview of the current state of Swedish architecture.
– Arkitektur i Sverige – Architecture in Sweden 1973–83

The text is in Swedish and English. Each project is showcased with black-and-white photos and architectural drawings.

The copy in our stock is in usable condition. Some of the pages have many under-linings and notes (most of the pages are clean); there is a signature on the first flyleaf. The glueing of the binding is  fine. The covers show shelf wear and edge wear and there’s an old price sticker on the back cover.

Weight 506 g
Dimensions 21,0 × 21,0 × 1,2 cm

Olof Hultin


Arkitektur Förlag AB

Publishing year





architectural drawings, b&w photos




Number of pages


