Concrete Architecture in Finland is an admirable photographic study of contemporary Finnish architecture that has revived an interest to explore the artistic and constructive potential of concrete. Jussi Tiainen is an acclaimed Finnish architectural photographer and one of the most esteemed professionals in the field.
The elegant book presents 16 acclaimed, yet very different buildings that utilise concrete both as slender elements and as hard and heavy structures. The sculptural and plastic potential and the material versatility of concrete become manifest in Tiainen’s carefully composed and visually excellent pictures. The introduction written by Maritta Koivisto, editor-in-chief of the Finnish journal Betoni [Concrete], provides a further perspective to concrete as a building material and tectonics in architecture.
The Finnish built environment has largely been built from concrete, and thus we are used to its presence. Perhaps this is why concrete also awakens strong emotions, images, thoughts and changing moods. Concrete often brings to mind pairs of opposites, such as the abundance of forms vs. minimalism, smooth vs. coarse, beautiful vs. ugly, warm vs. cold, strong vs. sensitive, plastic vs. angular, soft vs. hard, light vs. shadow, which bring their own nuance also to concrete architecture.
— Maritta Koivisto, Concrete Architecture in Finland, p. 9.