Couples Modernes 1900–1950 (Éditions Gallimard / Centre Pompidou de Metz, 2018) presents famous artist couples and their partnership. The book has French text and it was published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Centre Pompidou de Metz between 28 April and 20 August 2018. The authors/curators are Emma Lavigne, Ella Biezunski, Cloé Pitiot, Victoria Vanneau, Sylvie Chaperon, Dorian Astor, Janine Mossuz-Lavau, François de Singly, Éric Smadja, and Nathalie Ernoult. There are three introductory essays about couple dynamics in art; the main part is an indexed catalogue (dictionary) of the famous couples.
The text is in French. The book has been illustrated with photographs and art images.
The copy in our stock is in excellent condition, as good as new.