Le Modulor –Essai sur une mesure harmonique a l’echelle humaine applicable universellement a l’architecture et a la mécanique – by Le Corbusier (1887–1965) is a study of mathematical and anthropometric proportions that Le Corbusier proposes as the basis of modern architectural design. The book contains three parts: Ambience, Milieu, Circonstances et Deroulement de la Recherche; Realites Pratiques, and Appendice. The text explains the historical and natural basis of proportional systems and moves on to explain the author’s thought process in developing the Modulor system. The rest of the book gives some pragmatic examples of application, for example, in the plans, facades, sections and details of L’Unité d’Habitation in Marseille.
Our copy of Le Modulor was published by Editions de l’Architecture d’Aujourdhui in 1950. The text is in French. The book has been richly illustrated with black-and-white drawings, diagrams, and black-and-white photographs.
For more information about Le Corbusier, please visit www.fondationlecorbusier.fr.
The copy in our stock is in nice condition for its age. The pages are clean except for some neat pencil markings which are mostly hand-written Finnish translations of some words. The first fly leaf has been signed by the previous owner. The glueing of the binding is fine. There is some age-related yellowing on the upper edges of the pages, and the covers show some edge wear, shelf wear and signs of use.