The Architecture of Michelangelo (Penguin Books, 1970, revised ed.) by James S. Ackerman is a comprehensive study of the Renaissance genius.
Sculptor, painter, poet and architect, the archetype of the inspired genius, Michelangelo revolutionized everything he touched, and nowhere was his influence so profound or so enduring as in architecture. The Architecture of Michelangelo by Professor James Ackerman was first published in 1961 and has been very widely acclaimed. This revised edition takes into account the most recent research and includes a specially prepared Catalogue of Works. It is a study of Michelangelo’s major designs, including among others the Medici chapel, the fortifications of Florence, the Farnese palace, St Peter’s and the Capitoline Hill.
The text is in English. The book is illustrated with black-and-white photographs and architectural drawings.
Our copy in stock has a lot of underlines and notes on the pages, but the actual book is still usable.