The Heroic Period of Modern Architecture by Alison and Peter Smithson (Thames & Hudson 1981) is a work-document of the Modern Movement of the 1920s.
In the period just before and just after te first world war a new idea of architecture came into being. In an amazingly short time it mastered its necessary techniques and produced buildings which were as completely realized as any in the previous history of architecture. The period ended when absolute conviction in the movement died, around 1929. There were a few ‘chance’ buildings before 1915, and there were buildings with the genuine spirit after 1929 away from the main centres. This Heroic Period of Modern architecture is the rock on which we stand. Through it we feel the continuity of history and the necessity of achieving our own idea of order. The collection presented here is intended as a work document to help in achieving this order. In it are those buildings of that time which mean most to us personally.
– Alison and Peter Smithson, Prelude to the Heroic Period of Modern Architecture (excerpt). In: The Heroic Period of Modern Architecture (Thames & Hudson, 1981), p. 5
The text is in English. The book is richly illustrated with black-and-white photographs, architectural drawings, and some historical archive images in colour.
Our copy in stock is in good condition. The pages are clean, no markings except for the previous owner’s signature on the first flyleaf. The glueing of the binding is fine. The covers show some small traces of shelf wear and use.