Architectures en France Modernité/Post-Modernité (Centre Georges Pompidou/CCI Edition 1982, 2e réimpression) looks at inspiring and polemical projects and theories in the 1980s French architectural debate. Contributions e.g. by Charles Jencks, Bruno Zevi, Henri Lefebvre, Lucien Kroll, Jean Nouvel and many others. The publication came out in conjunction with the exhibition “Architectures en France Modernité/Post-Modernité” at Centre de Création Industrielle, Centre Georges Pompidou curated by Cantal Béret and Lucette Lombard-Valentino.
The text is in French. The book has been richly illustrated with black-and-white photographs, drawings, architectural images and other visual material.
The copy in our stock is in good condition. There are no markings on the pages, only some age-related toning. The covers show some edge wear and signs of use, and a small coffee (?) stain. The glueing of the binding is still fine, but seems a bit fragile.