Crafting Wood: Structure and Expression (Park Books, 2021; edited by Carmen Rist-Stadelmann, Machiel Spaan, and Urs Meister) presents newly gained knowledge on timber construction and timber joints.
This book – lavishly illustrated with plans, sketches, and photographs – emerged from an international educational cooperation of the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim, and the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam. The program looked at a vast range of timber joints from different theoretical and practical perspectives. Students conceived and made by hand new joints that were then applied in prototypes for entire structures, also designed as part of the course, at a scale of 1:5. By analysing this learning process, the book provides a new overview of the topic of timber joints in architecture through text and images.
– Carmen Rist-Stadelmann, Machiel Spaan, and Urs Meister (eds.), Crafting Wood: Structure and Expression (Park Books, 2021); excerpt from the publisher’s book description