Quaderns 210 Housing: New Alternatives – Habitatge: Noves Alternatives

Housing: New Alternatives – Habitatge: Noves Alternatives is the issue number 210 of the Quaderns Journal of the Association of Architects of Catalonia.


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Housing: New Alternatives – Habitatge: Noves Alternatives is the issue number 210 of the Quaderns Journal of the Association of Architects of Catalonia. The theme is the recent developments in housing production and housing designs; the follow-up issue 211 discussed housing and new urban ideas. The journal was issued in 1995 and the editor was Manuel Gausa.

The Housing: New Alternatives issue contains project reviews, a position paper titled “Superfluous architecture” by dieter Steiner, a round table discussion with M. J. Aranguren, J. G. Gallegos, J. Bach, L. Domènech, B. Goller, J. Pascual, C. Ramis, P. J. Ravetilat, G. García Ventosa, M. Gausa and M Pla, and much more. The project reviews include works by Dominique Perrault, Toni Gironnès, Philippe Gazeau, Bettina Götz and many others. There is also a critical review by Manuel de Solà-Morales about the development for the Mar Bella area in Barcelona.

Today probably more people are interested in architecture than ever before in the course of history. This is gratifying but not necessarily an advantage. Architecture has become of cultural industry, with its markets and consumers like any other cultural industry… New contemporary architecture is commissioned merely for its entertainment or media utilisation value.
— Dietmar Steiner, “Superfluous architecture” in Quaderns 210: Housing New Alternatives, p. 39, 45.

Our copy in stock is in good condition. There is only some minor shelf wear on the covers.

Weight 1120 g
Dimensions 33,0 × 22,0 × 1,8 cm

Manuel Gausa


Association of Architects of Catalonia

Publishing year





architectural drawings, colour & b&w photos, diagrams


Magazine, Softcover


Number of pages




