Akira Takeuchi’s book The Wooden Churches of Finland: The Construction and History of the Blook-Pillar Church in the 17th and 18th Centuries (フィンランドの木造教会 17、18世紀における箱柱式教会の構法と歴史) is a comprehensive study of the architectural principles of traditional Finnish churches. Akira Takeuchi (竹内 晧) is a Japanese architect who continued his architectural studies at the Tampere University of Technology, Department of Architecture and finished his doctorate in Tokio in 2008. This book is based on his thesis of the same name.
The richly illustrated book explains the constructional details of the block-pillar style and compares the Finnish way of building to the Scandinavian tradition. The illustrations include photographs, plans, sections, diagrams as well as scale model photos. The text in the book is in Japanese, but the book contains a translation supplement published in 2015 with full texts in Finnish and English.
The copy for sale is in excellent condition. There are no faults whatsoever.