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Manual: The Architecture of Kieran Timberlake

Manual: The Architecture of Kieran Timberlake (Princeton Architectural Press, 2002) is a monograph of the Philadelphia-based architectural practice. The book presents 29 projects from houses to schools that exemplify KieranTimberlake’s acclaimed attention to careful detailing.

The copy in stock is in good condition except that it has exposed to humidity at some points. There’s a visible, approx. 1.5 cm wide water stain on the lower part of the pages and some curving up until the middle of the book.


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Manual: The Architecture of Kieran Timberlake is a monograph of the Philadelphia-based architectural practice. The book presents 29 projects from houses to schools that exemplify KieranTimberlake’s acclaimed attention to careful detailing. The illustrations consist of  photographs and drawings including sketches and detail working drawings. The introduction has been written by Alberto Pérez-Gomez.

To place human values – the education and growth of future architects, life, and the human spirit – ahead of fashionable products, personal vanity, or fame is a courageous way of working, one that is fraught with dangers and that sometimes raises more questions than it is capable of answering.
– Alberto Pérez-Gomez, Introduction. In: Manual: The Architecture of Kieran Timberlake, p. 8

The copy in stock is in good condition except that it has exposed to humidity at some points. There’s a visible, approx. 1.5 cm wide water stain on the lower part of the pages and some curving up until the middle of the book.

Weight 876 g
Dimensions 21,5 × 26,7 × 1,6 cm

James Timberlake, Stephen Kieran


Princeton Architectural Press

Publishing year




 details, architectural drawings, colour & b&w photos




Number of pages


